Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Write a report on the changing roles of men and women in families in Essay

Write a report on the changing roles of men and women in families in Britain over the past half century - Essay Example Theories of family development are very popular and show that this culture, at least, still looks in part to systems and theories to solve some of its more pressing classification and categorization problems. Traditionally the role of the state has been the role of the patriarch, as the enforcer of gender division. In looking at how gender roles changed in Britain, the answer for this question is that in fact, the industrial revolution actually resulted in less work in the household, so technically less work for mother, but more work for women outside of the household. The basic assumption of the current investigation is that the industrialization process in Britain has been so innovative and rapid that it has not only brought new responsibilities, but also new expectations of women in and outside of nuclear family roles. As industrialization advanced, so did the statue of women, resulting in higher expectation for the mothers at home, but also higher expectations of the active-working women, both considered as one. Before women gained the right to vote, they were unequal in society in many ways. They could not basically participate in the government of the country, and they were barred from everything but the domestic sphere, which was where they were expected to stay. They were basically exp ected to take care of the house, do the cooking and cleaning, take care of the children, and let the men go out and vote, because they weren’t considered good enough, smart enough, or independent enough to be able to do something like this on their own. It is ironic that some people even today are not independent or smart enough to do things on their own. But in other ways, history has changed, because women had enough of this situation of inequality and got involved in an active struggle. They were able to raise themselves up from ignorance and do something truly noble and important, in the face of a

Monday, October 28, 2019

A key choice writers Essay Example for Free

A key choice writers Essay A key choice writers make is how they name or refer to characters in their stories. Write about the significance of the choices writers have made in naming or referring to their characters in the three texts you have studies. In the three texts I have studies the writers all name and refer to their characters in different ways. For example in The Road the characters are not given names and in Small Island all the characters are named and referred to in detail. Firstly mc McCarthy doesn’t give his characters names throughout his narrative he only refers to them as, the man, â€Å"papa† and the boy which shows they are father and son and that is all the detail McCarthy reveals. The significance of this is to create the effect that this dystopia they live in could happen to absolutely anyone. McCarthy has also done this to create a statement that names are no longer important since the world has ended and all civilisations have been wiped out. The only important this is surviving. McCarthy mentions the boy was born into the post apocalypse s so maybe the boy hasn’t even been given a name through the fact he doesn’t need one since there is no civilisation and there is a nil chance of survival, therefore there is no one to give your name to. McCarthy could also be revealing that maybe the parents didn’t think it was important in naming the boy because they wouldn’t survive. In Small Island Levy names her characters very stereotypically through their personalities. Queenies christened name is Victoria â€Å"I was christened victoria† like the late queen, but forever been called Queenie, which is what her mother wanted to christen her as but the vicar wouldn’t allow it as it was a common name so he suggested Victoria. Levy chose this name as it reflects Queenies character very well as she is very well mannered and â€Å"posh† like the queen. Gilberts name reveals that he is half white through the fact that Gilbert Joseph is a common white man name. Levy also reveals that his father is white by referring his to as â€Å"light skinned†. Hortense’s name reveals that she is not English however it also reveals that she is wealthy and higher class through the fact that Hortense is a French name which automatically stereotypically reveals Hortense’s character is going to be higher class which she is. Levy also refers to her characters in racist ways by addressing and describing the black characters as â€Å"darkies† and â€Å"niggers† the significance of this is to show when the novel was set â€Å"1948† when being racist was common and most English people were, in which Levy has took advantage of to make her narrative realistic. Finally in Rossetti’s poetry, Rossetti refers to men in different negative ways. For example in Goblin Market Rossetti refers men to a Goblins she has done this to reveal her emotions of men implying that they are all vial and evil. However, the word â€Å"Goblin† could also mean gold which could be implying that all men are rich which is true because in the 19th century it was only men who had money, so she could be implying that men are rare and rich. However, still men in Rossetti’s poems are shown to be negative which is interoperating that wealth isn’t all that good. Rossetti also gives her characters common names such as â€Å"Maude Clare†, â€Å"Laura† and â€Å"Lizzie† the significance of this is to make her poems still mysterious and open for interpretations which she does in all of her poems. Rossetti also refers to her characters through social class and skin tone she does this as it was a main importance in the 19th century. To compare all the writers I have studies both Levy and Rossetti refer and name their characters through social class in some way. However, McCarthy doesn’t mention social class or interpratate it in any way. He has done this because there is no longer any social class unlike in when Small Island and Rossetti’s when it was highly mentioned with the time they are set in. In conclusion in all the texts I have studied the writers all texts I have studied the writers all name their characters in different ways for different significance and to create different effects to their narratives. But also to affect the reader differently for example McCarthy doesn’t give names to his characters to give the narrative lack of information as it could be happen to anyone but also to give the reader no emotional connection to the novel.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases

Global Warming   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We should all be very concerned about our future on Earth as human beings. We may not be at such an immediate risk of burning to death, but our future descendants are. Every year, the overall temperature has gone up slowly. Eventually Earth will be too hot to live on, and the human race will become extinct! The best way to save our future is to start now. Americans should be conscientious of global warming and should watch their CO2 emissions because increasing CO2 concentrations means an increase in Earth’s temperature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being conscientious of global warming means making smart decisions on fossil fuel burning. As we all know fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource that produces CO2, which is detrimental to our atmosphere. We, Americans should take the initiative to use renewable resources such as battery power, or solar power. Automobile companies have already created state-of-the-art solar power and electronic cars as an alternate to gas powered cars that burn lots of fossil fuel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We use automobiles every day as transportation. Unfortunately automobiles emit so much carbon dioxide. In fact as Bill McKibben says â€Å"we emit so much more carbon dioxide now than we did a decade ago in part because our fleet or cars and trucks actually has gotten steadily less fuel efficient for the past 10 years† (325). The media has always had an impact on many people’s lifestyles, and in this day and age, where hip-hop culture has been highly advertised, driving large SUV’s has become very popular. Rap artists sing about their Cadillac Escalades, Lincoln Navigators, and their Hummers. In Bjorn Lomborg says â€Å"we have been indoctrinated by the media, where we see the TV characters as reference points for our own lives† (328). Little do they know that their SUVs they drive burn so much more gas than a car. SUVs release a tremendous amount of CO2 into the atmosphere and are very unnecessary to most of the population who drive th em.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As McKibben states that we live in a â€Å"heedless, supersized society† (325). People are buying these vehicles based on looks, rather than having concern about gas mileage and the amount of CO2 the vehicle emits. Especially since automobiles have become a major part of daily life, we need to be aware of the gas mileage of the vehicle because there are so many thousands of cars on the road emitting so much CO... ...e.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In all, we need to be conscientious of global warming. This means having knowledge that our future descendants and our planet Earth could become overheated from global warming, thus killing off all life on this wonderful planet. We do not want to wait till the last second, when things are too late. We are at a time where we can make a difference. Choosing cars with low gas mileage is a good idea. These cars are environmentally friendly and that’s what we need. If we have the option to walk to work, we should do so. Like Alan Durning argues, free parking should be completely abandoned. Lets keep the cars on the road to the minimum because cars emit CO2, which is harmful to our Earth, and CO2 only increases global warming. We should advertise to the public how dangerous global warming is. Educating youngsters, the future of us, about global warming is an excellent way to go.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine all the beautiful things on Earth, gone. Gone because of the fact we did not act now, and gone because of the fact we weren’t conscientious of global warming. Lets start doing something, baby steps that in the long run will be very productive in our war against global warming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Erikson and Meet the Parents

Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development details eight different stages describing a healthy human’s development from infancy to late adulthood. Each stage presents a new conflict between a biological and sociocultural force. Successful negotiation of these forces results in the individual moving the next stage with the favored attribute. Mastery of each stage’s challenges isn’t necessary to advance to the next stage but unconquered challenges are likely to reappear in the future. Almost every movie out exemplifies some form of family dynamics and Erikson’s stages of development.However, the movie I chose to demonstrate two characters in two different psychosocial development stages is Meet the Parents. Meet the Parents depicts Greg Focker’s struggle to gain his girlfriend Pam’s dad’s approval for her hand in marriage. For many men asking the love of your life’s dad for approval to marry her can be a very nerve-r acking and scary experience. For Greg, a Jewish male nurse, Murphy’s Law takes over and the situation becomes more embarrassing than expected. It doesn’t help that Pam’s father is a strict, overbearing, ex CIA agent with a lie detector in the basement.The two characters I will be relating to different stages of Erikson’s developmental theory are Greg Focker and his soon to be father-in-law Jack Byrnes. Greg Focker is definitely in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of development that typically occurs between ages 20-24. His existential question is â€Å"Can Love? † Greg has established his career and identity and is open to the ideas of love and marriage. He is ready to make a long-term commitment and has done so with Pam, his live in girlfriend.Their intimate, reciprocal relationship has made Greg willing to make sacrifices and compromises required to make her happy and their relationship function. This concept is exemplified throughout the movie a s Greg goes to great lengths to gain the approval of his loved one’s father, Jack. Since Greg has been able to form an intimate relationship with Pam, intimacy has prevailed over isolation. Jack Byrnes is in middle adulthood; his internal conflict is generativity vs. stagnation. The main question faced by individuals between the ages of 25-64 is â€Å"Can I Make My Life Count? Generativity is the concern of guiding the next generation. Jack already possesses a sense of generativity since he has been married, raised a family and contributed to society through his career in the CIA. He is now concerned about the next generation of his family, his daughter’s family and offspring. Although his daughter is grown he is still trying to help her grow into a responsible adult and having trouble accepting her soon to be spouse. However, in the end he does learn to accept Greg and master generativity; as a result he is on his way to the last stage of life which focuses on the vi rtue of wisdom. Erikson and Meet the Parents Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development details eight different stages describing a healthy human’s development from infancy to late adulthood. Each stage presents a new conflict between a biological and sociocultural force. Successful negotiation of these forces results in the individual moving the next stage with the favored attribute. Mastery of each stage’s challenges isn’t necessary to advance to the next stage but unconquered challenges are likely to reappear in the future. Almost every movie out exemplifies some form of family dynamics and Erikson’s stages of development.However, the movie I chose to demonstrate two characters in two different psychosocial development stages is Meet the Parents. Meet the Parents depicts Greg Focker’s struggle to gain his girlfriend Pam’s dad’s approval for her hand in marriage. For many men asking the love of your life’s dad for approval to marry her can be a very nerve-r acking and scary experience. For Greg, a Jewish male nurse, Murphy’s Law takes over and the situation becomes more embarrassing than expected. It doesn’t help that Pam’s father is a strict, overbearing, ex CIA agent with a lie detector in the basement.The two characters I will be relating to different stages of Erikson’s developmental theory are Greg Focker and his soon to be father-in-law Jack Byrnes. Greg Focker is definitely in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of development that typically occurs between ages 20-24. His existential question is â€Å"Can Love? † Greg has established his career and identity and is open to the ideas of love and marriage. He is ready to make a long-term commitment and has done so with Pam, his live in girlfriend.Their intimate, reciprocal relationship has made Greg willing to make sacrifices and compromises required to make her happy and their relationship function. This concept is exemplified throughout the movie a s Greg goes to great lengths to gain the approval of his loved one’s father, Jack. Since Greg has been able to form an intimate relationship with Pam, intimacy has prevailed over isolation. Jack Byrnes is in middle adulthood; his internal conflict is generativity vs. stagnation. The main question faced by individuals between the ages of 25-64 is â€Å"Can I Make My Life Count? Generativity is the concern of guiding the next generation. Jack already possesses a sense of generativity since he has been married, raised a family and contributed to society through his career in the CIA. He is now concerned about the next generation of his family, his daughter’s family and offspring. Although his daughter is grown he is still trying to help her grow into a responsible adult and having trouble accepting her soon to be spouse. However, in the end he does learn to accept Greg and master generativity; as a result he is on his way to the last stage of life which focuses on the vi rtue of wisdom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Remember the titans Essay

To create such a remarkable film is exhausting. Remember the Titans the film that I have created is inspiring, exciting and watching it is an experience you won’t forget. Created and produced in 2000 Remember the Titans has had much work, devotion and persistence put into it. The film distributes many reasons of why it should be in the 2014 Human rights Literature and Film festival. Remember the Titans has become such a marvellous piece of display, showing how black and white unite for the better. The reason why Remember the Titans is such a valuable film is because it shows that two races can come together for the better to prosper and strive. This unique film shows that racial discrimination can be overcome. Remember the Titans shows prejudice, but then again don’t we all have a preconceived opinion of others? I believe we do. A key scene where prejudice is shown is when the players are about to go to camp at Gettysburg. Coach Boone has just arrived, he walks over to the coaches and gives them his play book. He is then approached and confronted by his Team Captain Gerry Bertier and team member Ray Budds. Gerry says to Coach Boone â€Å"I’m the only all American you got†. He tells Coach Boone that he must reserve half of the team for the white players. The Dialogue also says â€Å"we don’t need none of your people in the defence line† Gerry referring to â€Å"your people† is categorising the team players as black and labels them as the â€Å"other†. While Bertier is in a confrontation with Coach Boone an over the shoulder close up shot is used. This shot establishes tension by the sober facial expressions and later a long shot shows hostile stance and posture. This scene shows how harsh and blunt prejudice is in Remember the Titans. Remember the Titans is more than a film about winning, it involves uniting the two black and white races so they come together and form a friendship, a bond like no other this is why for camp the players were taken to the battle of Gettysburg. During the camp coach Boone made the players take a 100 mile run to the burial grounds of the fallen soldiers. Boone says â€Å"I don’t care if you like each other right now, but you will respect each other. And maybe – I don’t know, maybe we’ll learn to play this game like men†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The  technique is the use of the dialogue and the interpretation of this quote means that no matter how much racial hate the players have for each other they must learn to respect each other and if they do they can win. Taking the players on Camp would have been the most important action for Coach Boone, because if they sleep, live, train and practice together like those soldiers they have to come together as one, respect each other and work as a team. This scene shows that Remember the Titans is more than just about winning and how friendship and trust must be formed for them to succeed. Remember the Titans is one of a kind, and one of a kinds are unique its uniqueness can be seen in the way it teaches us to overcome racism. In the beginning of the film, the white and black members of the team hate each other. The white players of the team don’t â€Å"want to play with those black animals†. The black players don’t want to integrate either necessarily because they don’t â€Å"trust your people to be honest†. A scene where this is seen clearly is when Ray and Petey are forced to learn about each other in camp. The two players are sitting on opposite sides facing each other like adversaries. The camera angle technique is a mid-shot. Dividing them is a path running between them up towards a big traditional door of Gettysburg College. This path represents the tradition of racism in America between blacks and whites all the way back to slave-ownership times that divides Alan and Petey in the present day. This camera shot is combined with a dialogue that is suspicious, personal and hurtful. The film remember the titans sends a message that a racism war has been fought for so many years and is still going, but these boys overcame racism and became one. Remember the Titans shows us how racial discrimination was overcame. It shows that it is possible for any age or race to be united and that together you can overcome racial discrimination and be stronger, this is why this film is so important and it would be a great film to be shown at the 2014 human rights literature and film festival. To not show it in the festival would be an abomination. Remember the Titans presents a memorable message that can help us overcome racial discrimination and work towards creating a fair and equal society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Violence1 essays

Violence1 essays There are many different views on how violent films and music affect people. Personally, I believe violent films and music do not affect people, but some studies show they do. There are also various reasons why people want to see violent films, and why artists and producers continue to produce violent films and music. From the article Film Violence and Subsequent Aggressive Tendencies, they write that even in the 1920s and 1930s people were affected by watching and reading things containing violent behavior. The authors write that media violence induces crime and juvenile delinquency. Through their experiments, when a film is being watched, the emotional state of the audience plays a big role. When preschoolers watched the aggressive behavior of adults in a movie, they later reacted to mild frustrations. Violence in films does not just affect youngsters, but people of all ages. In the same study Lovaas and Walters experimented with the same idea. Their final conclusion was that, stimuli presented on the movie screen can arouse previously learned aggressiveness habits, producing overtly hostile behavior. As you can see through these experiments, people can and sometimes do react to violence in films. Most often, however, people do not react to the violence in films and music. People who have been raised properly and who have word structure will most likely not react to the violence that is put out there on films and in music. On the other hand, if you were raised in a violent situation with faltering vocal structure, violence could majorly affect you. Aggression is normal in all of us. But when aggression turns into violence, the people behind the violence are probably troubled already. The hit single, C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me), by hip-hop artists Wu-Tang Clan, best describes why people make violent films and m...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Helping the Private Sector to Achieve and Maintain Infrastructure Security

Helping the Private Sector to Achieve and Maintain Infrastructure Security The infrastructure security has always been on the highest level for the US government. Still, the September 11, 2001 was the breaking point which is considered to be the start for heightened interest in critical infrastructure protection, both in public and in private sectors. To understand the main purpose of the research, it is crucial to check the main notions which are going to be considered, critical infrastructure in private sector.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Helping the Private Sector to Achieve and Maintain Infrastructure Security specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Critical infrastructure is the notion which identifies physical and computer-based systems, like telecommunications, banking, transportation, water and energy resources, etc. The private sector of the country’s economy is characterized by the organizations which are not controlled by the state, like private firms, companies, banks and ot her private non-government organizations (Radvanovsky and McDougall 5). Thus, the main purpose of the research is to consider the main security strategies the private sector uses in the relation to the protection of critical infrastructures. The USA has a Department of Homeland Security which helps the private sector to cope with the problems it may face. Critical Infrastructure Protection Challenges for Private Sector There are a number of different challenges a private sector should cope with the purpose to organize critical infrastructure protection properly. There are a number of different normative laws which are aimed at analyzing those challenges and offering some decisions to solve them. Considering the challenges in addressing cybersecurity, the following key ones may be identified: the organizational stability should be achieved, the roles and capacities of the cybersecurity should be considered and the awareness should be increased, the efficient partnership with stakehol ders should be considered, the information exchange should be on the high level (Powner 12). Private sector also faces other challenges, like securing control systems. One the one hand, technological innovations are involved in the sphere and allow specialists to control the process by means of different facilities. On the other hand, the specialized security technologies for control systems are not invented yet due to a number of reasons. Moreover, there are some ideas that securing control systems are not justified economically that create some problems. Finally, the security control systems may become the issue for conflicts on the basis of the priority notion (Dacey 18).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are a number of challenges private sector faces in the informational sphere. National Infrastructure Protection Center is the organization that helps the private se ctor cope with those challenges as the establishment of the correct information-sharing relations with the state is the first step for dealing with the problem. These challenges should be faced both by the private sector and by the Department of Homeland Security, even though it is the state institution, the security is going to be on the highest level in the private sector only when the government supports it. Introduction to Threat and Risk Analysis Models To conduct the critical infrastructure protection properly and on the highest level, the risk assessment in the sphere should be provided. Risk management and critical infrastructure protection in the private sector should be conducted on the basis of the assessment, integration, and management of such facilities as threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences. To conduct the risk assessment in the private sector, the following steps should be considered in this succession: The identification of the most critical infrastructures, Identification, evaluation and assessment of the threats, Consideration of the vulnerability of those critical assets, Specification of expected risks along with the expected consequences, The next stages should be followed to prioritize risk reduction activities. That is, the specialists should state and evaluate the ways aimed at reducing the risks which have already been highlighted and prioritize risk reduction by means of the risk reductions strategy. The private sector should collaborate with the government with the purpose to be aware of the innovations in the critical infrastructure protection field and to count on the state and its help. The role of the government in the security of the private sector is crucial. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 and other administration documents are directed at helping the private sector to cope with the threats and minimize the risks to minimum. Basic Principles for Critical Infrastructure Protection The fundamental principles for crit ical infrastructure protection may be based on the CARVER method. This method is based on six factors which influence the efficiency of the procedure. CARVER method is a military strategy which is used for identifying the targets for the attacks. It is reasonable to consider these principles for identifying the threats in the private sector directed at critical infrastructure.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Helping the Private Sector to Achieve and Maintain Infrastructure Security specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This method should be used to prioritize the targets which are considered to be the most vulnerable. Thus, the CARVER method is based on the following components, Criticality, Assessibility, Return, Vulnerability, Effect, and Recognizability. The main principle of this method is to identify the infrastructure with the highest value and to try to protect it by much attempt. The main idea of the criticality is to identify the target which plays crucial role in the achieving the goal and the elimination of which will put a private company much behind. The accessibility means that the company should consider whether the target easily reached or not. The critical infrastructure protection means high level of security and low level of accessibility. The company should check the return capacity of all the critical infrastructures and pay more attention to those which capacity to return is lower. The vulnerability of the target is really essential. The company should try to organize the work in such a way that all objects and targets which may be considered as vulnerable should be protected better. The effects should always be predicted. It is important for the private company to understand the outcomes of the threat in order to prevent those in case of any problems. It is also important to understand that the recognizability of the critical infrastructure is also essential. The private sect or should protect its points with the purpose to reduce the risk for the target to be recognized by the competitor and either copied or destroyed (Pavlina n/p). Vulnerability Analysis Models Using the vulnerability analysis model, the company should follow the next steps to make sure that the competing agents are not going to reach the critical infrastructure and are not able to violate the company security. It may be concluded that the main purpose of the vulnerability analysis is to check and reduce the systems which may be available for natural and man-made damages. Thus, the steps one should follow to complete this method are: a) to identify the gaps and research needs in the sector, b) to check the competitors which may be suspected in organizing the attack, and c) to develop the strategies aimed at reducing the threat. The main purpose of this model is to encourage businessmen and entrepreneurs to protect their strategic objects better or, vice versa, to find faults in the cri tical infrastructure protection of the competitors and to use the information to combat them on the business arena (Catlin and Kautter 3).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Introduction to CI/KR Dependencies and Interdependencies The Department of Homeland Security has identified the Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CI/KR) which are protected by the government no matter whether public or private sector is involved in the affair. It is obvious that DHS cannot cope with all the CI/KR, so there are a number of other departments which help. To provide an effective protection of the CI/KR, the public and private sectors should establish good relationships based on the ideas and information exchanges, security planning with sharing the best practices, the coordinating structures should be perfectly established, the collaboration with the international community is important as well as the building of public awareness. The DHS identifies the following CI/KR: agriculture and food, commercial facilities, dams, energy, information technology, postal and shipping, banking and finance, communication, defense industrial base, transportation systems, chemi cal, critical manufacturing, emergency services, healthcare, nuclear reactions, materials and wastes, and water (â€Å"Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources†). If any of those CI/KR are involved into private sector, the company managers should care greatly of its security. Concepts of Continuity Of Operations (COOP) Plans and Continuity Of Government (COG) Continuity of operations is the notion which may be defined as a government effort to make sure that Primary Mission Essential Functions are going to work in spite of any incidents, including natural disasters, technological attacks and other accidents. The main purpose of COOP is to make the private sector, which deals with CI/KR, continue its work no matter what is happening in the country. The Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan is a map for implementing the program designed by the Continuity Program (FEMA n/p). The Continuity of Government (COG) is defined as the necessity for the government and all its structures and operations to function without paying attention to any of the incidents which happen in the country. The main purpose of the COG is to provide the constitutional protection to the citizens of the country and the constitutional form of the government (FEMA n/p). In conclusion it should be stated that the proper functioning of the government is possible only in case if the private and public sectors work together and are able to collaborate with each others. It is crucial to understand that the critical infrastructure of the company should be properly protected. This means that the CARVER method should be applied to make sure that the cyber systems as well as other engineering systems are properly protected. The vulnerability analysis is really helpful for maintaining security in the critical infrastructure. The Continuity of Operations (COOP) and the Continuity of Government (COG) are the document which state that all systems and projects essential for the state should function, no matter what is happening in the country. Catlin, Michelle and Donald Kautter. â€Å"An Overview of the Carver Plus Shock Method for Food Sector Vulnerability Assessments.† Federal state department of agriculture 18 July 2007. Print. â€Å"Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources.† Department of Homeland Security. 2010. Web. Dacey, Robert F. â€Å"Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges and Efforts to Secure Control Systems.† United States Government Accountability Office 30 March 2004. Print. FEMA. 2010. Web. Pavlina, Steve. â€Å"How to Prioritize.† Pavlina LLC May 22, 2007. Web. Powner, David A. â€Å"Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges in Addressing Cybersecurity.† United States Government Accountability Office 19 July 2005. Print. Radvanovsky, Robert and Allan McDougall. Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2010. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Different Types of Retail Jobs

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Different Types of Retail Jobs if you’ve ever worked in retail, you know how challenging it can be. we live in a consumer-centric society, and dealing with consumers can be†¦well†¦not fun. but if you’re on the front lines in stores and customer service, you have some of the most versatile skills around: handling payment and conducting transactions, selling products, and dealing with people of all stripes. it’s a field that calls for odd hours (and possibly thanksgivings spent watching people tussle over discounted tvs), and it’s not the highest-paying field. but it pays the bills, and it happens to be the most common job in the united states. basically, wherever there are people buying things, there are retail employees there to help facilitate those sales, and provide a good customer experience. if you’re interested in different retail jobs, let’s take a look at some of the  opportunities  out there in this crucial service industry.1. retail salesperson2. cu stomer service representative3. retail sales manager4. merchandise displayers and window trimmers5. stock clerk6. cashierretail salespersonthe job: as a salesperson, you’re the front lines in the retail war. you are likely responsible for selling merchandise in a large or small store, helping customers, processing payments, and providing direct customer service.the skills: in your job as a retail salesperson, these skills will serve you well.people skillscommunication skillscomputer skills (especially point-of-sale, or pos, systems)organizational skillsbasic math/financial skillsteam player skillsproblem solving skillsenergy and enthusiasmbeing detail-orientedtrustworthinessthe requirements: there’s no formal education or training for a retail salesperson, though some employers may require a high school diploma. stores typically provide on-the-job training for new employees, and some may have a probationary period while the employee is training.the pay: the median hour ly pay for retail salespeople is $10.60, and the median annual salary is $22,040. jobs may be full-time, part-time, seasonal, or contract (temporary) positions. per the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, about 1 in 3 retail salespeople worked part-time in 2014.the outlook: retail is a very solid bet: there are approximately 5 million retail salesperson positions out there in the u.s., and the field is expected to grow about 7% by 2024. the demand for more retail salespeople is a pretty continuous one.customer service representativethe job: as a customer service rep, you’re often in charge of damage control, working with customers to improve (or redeem) their experience with your store. you are likely responsible for fielding customer queries and complaints, providing information, processing or changing orders, handling transactions, and ensuring a good customer experience. customer service representatives can be found in just about any industry that provides goods or services.t he skills: as a customer service representative in retail, you’ll need skills like the following:people skillscommunication skillscomputer skills (especially pos systems)organizational skillsbasic math/financial skillsteam player skillsproblem solving skillsenergy and enthusiasmbeing detail-orientedtrustworthinessthe requirements: there’s no formal education or training for retail customer service representatives, though a high school diploma (or equivalent) is typically required. stores usually provide on-the-job training for new employees, making this a good entry-level option.the pay: the median hourly pay for retail customer service representatives is $15.25, and the median annual salary is $31,720. jobs may be full-time or part-time. per the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, about 1 in 5 customer service representatives worked part-time in 2014.the outlook: this is a fast-growing field, as retail expands via traditional stores and e-commerce. the u.s. bureau of lab or statistics predicts that demand for customer service representatives of all kinds will grow by at least 10% by 2024.retail sales managerthe job: as a retail sales manager, you supervise and coordinate retail salespeople and associates. in addition to supervising employees, you may also be responsible for customer service and administrative functions like purchasing, budgeting, merchandising, accounting, and personnel management.the skills: as you work your way up the chain as a manager, you’ll need these skills.leadership/management skillspeople skillscommunication skillscomputer skills (especially pos systems)organizational skillsstrong math and financial skillsteam player skillsproblem solving skillsenergy and enthusiasmbeing detail-orientedtrustworthinessthe requirements: there are no formal educational requirements to be a retail sales manager, but you will need retail experience, as well as strong management and organizational skills. this is a job that calls for the ability to keep the ship steady in any storm, so the more experience and demonstrable skills you bring, the better.the pay: the median hourly pay for retail sales managers is $20.63, and the median annual salary is $42,900. retail management roles are typically full-time positions.the outlook: as with most retail positions, the demand for managers will remain steady. there are currently about 1.5 million retail sales managers in the u.s.merchandise displayers and window trimmersthe job: as a merchandise displayer/window trimmer, you’re responsible for planning and creating appealing displays of goods and products to attract customers and entice them to buy. if your favorite part of school projects was making dioramas, this may be the retail path for you.the skills: these skills will serve you well as a merchandise displayer/window trimmer:creativitycommunication skillsorganizational skillsteam player skillsproblem solving skillsenergy and enthusiasmbeing detail-orientedthe re quirements: a high school diploma is usually required for this kind of position, and vocational training is usually seen as a plus in hiring. previous experience is also a plus, but not necessarily required. on-the-job training is often available for new employees.the pay: the median hourly pay for merchandise displayers is $14.32, and the median annual salary is $29,790. jobs may be full-time, part-time, or on a contract basis.the outlook: merchandise displayers/window trimmer positions are expected to keep pace with overall retail growth by 2024.stock clerkthe job: if you’re a stock clerk, you can probably save some money on that gym membership- you’re the brawn of the operation, often working behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. stock clerks receive inventory and move it as necessary, checking for damage, record keeping, and working with in-store computer systems. you may be responsible for filling shelves, tracking inventory, and set up sales di splays as well.the skills: as a stock clerk, these are the skills that will help get you in the door.people skillscomputer skillsorganizational skillsteam player skillsproblem solving skillsenergy and enthusiasmbeing detail-orientedcustomer service skillsthe requirements: there’s no formal education or training for retail stock clerks, though a high school diploma (or equivalent) is typically required. stores usually provide on-the-job training for new employees, making this a good entry-level option for those interested in retail and strong enough to move heavy objects and stay on your feet for periods of time.the pay: the median hourly pay for stock clerks is $12.47, and the median annual salary is $25,940. jobs may be full-time or part-time. per the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, about 1 in 5 customer service representatives worked part-time in 2014.the outlook: the number of stock clerks is likely to stay relatively flat, per the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, but ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s a field with a strong amount of turnover, so job openings are fairly consistent.cashierthe job: as a cashier, you’re holding a lot of power- the money- in your hands. as a front-line customer serviceperson, you’re responsible for handling customer purchases, working with payment systems, and maintaining scrupulously accurate transactions.the skills: as a cashier, you’ll need these skills:people skillscommunication skillscustomer service skillscomputer skills (especially pos systems)organizational skillsbasic math/financial skillsteam player skillsproblem solving skillsenergy and enthusiasmbeing detail-orientedtrustworthinessthe requirements: if you’re just starting out or need a job with little prior experience in retail, cashiering is a good option. employers may require a high school diploma (or equivalent), but there’s no specific educational requirement for retail cashiers, making this a good entry-level option. trustworthiness and acc uracy are key, so those are skills that you really want to emphasize as a prerequisite to working as a cashier. stores typically provide on-the-job training for new cashiers.the pay: the median hourly pay for cashiers is $9.18, and the median annual salary is $19,310. jobs may be full-time or part-time.the outlook: because of advances in automated checkouts and online sales, the outlook for cashiers is a little slower than most retail positions: about 2%, according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Technologies Affect on Communication Research Paper

Technologies Affect on Communication - Research Paper Example To begin with, it is important to note that traditional modes of communication such as telegrams, letters, use of human messengers to deliver messages, have continued to lose popularity save for special circumstances, even though they are still being used in societies that have not invested on modern infrastructure (Bucy, 2004). Cell phones for example have become a major necessity in the human life due to their mobility and portability, which in turn creates convenience. This is as opposed to the wired communication devices such as the landline telephones, which are static in nature by the virtue of the fact that a person waiting for an important call has to remain within an audible range, so as to receive a call once the telephone rings (Atkin, 2006). In this context, mobile technology has enabled people to call and reach their intended recipients from any location and during any time of the day, without having to interfere with their day to day activities. For example, a person wo rking in the field can reach his or her spouse by calling them on their mobile, may be to check on how they are doing or to pass an important message. They make it possible for parents to enquire and confirm on the safety of their children especially in these uncertain times when children are vulnerable to numerous physical and psychological threats in the society. By doing so, one can perform his or her duties without distraction, knowing well that their families are safe wherever they are. Cell phones have also enabled users to deliver themselves from tough predicaments such as mechanical breakdowns on their vehicles while on transit (Atkin, 2006). One only needs to call a towing company or an expert to come to their aid. Without these gadgets, such an occurrence would necessitate walking long distances in search of help, which could also be dangerous especially if it occurs late in the night when there are few motorists on the roads and when the chances of being attacked by armed gangsters are real. It is also observable that most of the mobile handsets in the current markets have built-in cameras, which enable users to record videos and take pictures of their surroundings. In light of this, a person can use his or her phone to record evidence or an occurrence such as an accident or criminals in action, which can later be used by insurance companies or security personnel in building their cases. This is an important aspect since it is not always possible to have security and traffic officers in each and every corner of the nation. Witnesses to such occurrences would be in an excellent position to explain the details to the officers, after they use the same cell phones to call the authorities as well as ambulances depending on the situation at hand (Atkin 2006). However, it is not always easy to communicate vocally through cell phones especially if a person is in a noisy environment. In addition, some details in a phone conversation may be delicate in nature such that they require a lot of privacy. For example, personal information such as bank and other financial details, access codes to important online accounts or even delicate family issues are not supposed to access the public. To counter this, mobile phones are equipped with short messaging systems, which enable one to send information in form of text (Bucy, 2004). The recipient needs only to access the message, read it and if it is too confidential, he has the option

Friday, October 18, 2019

HR Training Class Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HR Training Class - Term Paper Example This is a serious consideration based on the current trend of decreasing sales. Customers are moving to new retail store departments to avoid our long and slow moving queues. The new employees will undergo training in product placement and arrangement within our outlet. This should be able to encourage placing common commodities at easily reachable spots while less demanded goods at distant yet strategic locations. This encourages the ease of shopping and time saving for our customers (Besharov & Cottingham 2011). The product knowledge gap is another factor and has been our undoing for some time. This was enhanced by the high staff turnover and we lost our best employees to the competitors. The new training will emphasize familiarity not only with our products/ services, but an emphasis will be laid upon our staff knowledge of mission, goals, objectives and vision. This will provide a sense of direction and responsibility in the workforce. Reducing the knowledge gap is necessary in e nsuring our employees assist customers in decision making at the store. Customer care would be nothing if we do not take advantage as an organization. The training intends to benefit from employees who are able to carry out opportunity sales thus encouraging customers to spend while increasing our sale turnover. The final consideration is in terms of conflict resolution. The training will equip our employees with the skills necessary in handling all manners of contentious issues related to customer experiences. Over the last year we have paid for damages and lawsuits in a variety of cases thus experienced a substantial reduction in our net income. We intend to control such negligent cases. The overall aim of the training is to enhance full dedication to work by the employees in an environment that supports, encourages and rewards their effort. During the training some interventions will be established to intensify the employees’ performance including effective team building,

Web technologies.From PHP to Python Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Web technologies.From PHP to Python - Essay Example The distinguishing factor of PHP from client-side languages like JavaScript is that the code is executed on the server. If you were to have a script similar to the above on your server, the client would receive the results of running that script, with no way of determining what the underlying code may be. You can even configure your web server to process all your HTML files with PHP, and then there's really no way that users can tell what you have up your sleeve. (See: http://www.php net/manual/en/introduction.php) The best things in using PHP are that it is extremely simple for a newcomer, but offers many advanced features for a professional programmer. Don't be afraid reading the long list of PHP's features. You can jump in, in a short time, and start writing simple scripts in a few hours.Almost anything. PHP is primarily focused on server-side scripting, so you can do anything a CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and receive cooki es. But PHP can do much more.Server-side scripting: This is the most traditional and main target field for PHP. We need three things to make this work. The PHP parser (CGI or server module), a web server and a web browser. We need to run the web server, with a connected PHP installation. We can access the PHP program output with a web browser, viewing the PHP page through the server. All these can run on our home machine if we are just experimenting with PHP programming. Command line scripting: We can make a PHP script to run it without any server or browser. We only need the PHP parser to use it this way. This type of usage is ideal for scripts regularly executed using cron (on *nix or Linux) or Task Scheduler (on Windows). These scripts can also be used for simple text processing tasks. Writing desktop applications: PHP is probably not the very best language to create a desktop application with a graphical user interface, but if we know PHP very well, and would like to use some advanced PHP features in our client-side applications you can also use PHP-GTK to write such programs. You also have the ability to write cross-platform applications this way. PHP-GTK is an extension to PHP, not available in the main distribution. What they use it for practical implementation issues (See: PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, many Unix variants (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD), Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS, and probably others. PHP has also support for most of the web servers today. This includes Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server, Personal Web Server, Netscape and iPlanet servers, Oreilly Website Pro server, Caudium, Xitami, OmniHTTPd, and many others. For the majority of the servers PHP has a module, for the others supporting the CGI standard, PHP can work as a CGI processor. So with PHP, we have the freedom of choosing an operating system and a web server. Furthermore, we also have the choice of using procedural programming or object oriented programming, or a mixture of them. Although not every standard OOP feature is implemented in PHP 4, many code libraries and large applications (including the PEAR library) are written only using OOP code. PHP 5 fixes the OOP related weaknesses of PHP 4, and introduces a complete object model.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ford Motors Business Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ford Motors Business Model - Essay Example The source of the revenues is realized from the operating expenses, selling of the general administrative zones and from the non-recurring costs. The fixed and variable costs for the company include the costs made from the goods for the company which entails an amount of $125,369 last year. Other fixed costs include the income tax expenses for the country that takes over $7200 a year. There are other extra expenses and items that also cost around $7155 year. All these costs are financed from the total revenues earned by the company. It also entails all the benefits the company gets from customers as bonuses. It is to the advantage of the company that the company is able to sell quite a good number of new brands. Other premium customers are also able to award the company for the good work done. In order to have success and progress for the company, there is a calculation of the total sales realized from the brand cars. The company is able to sell over 500 brands of Ford motors within a day. The company is also able to sell motor parts including the gas engines and motor craft. It is also interesting that the company has made a good progress in the selling of the brands since it is able to advertise the goods all over the world. This has made the net income for the company to increase $7155 the last year. The company is an industrial since it is able to meet its targets in the world of revolution. For the last two years, there is an improvement of the sales that have made the company to be under top five in the whole world.

Career Development in HRD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Career Development in HRD - Research Paper Example Below is my career development plan since my present position to three years to come. It will consist of my career coach or career counsellor as a guide. Finally, it will show how I would be successful in my first job. I am a second semester at Indiana state university and I major on business in human resource development. In this, I am aiming at achieving a nonprofits leadership certification and a minor in business administration. Naturally, I am interested at peoples’ elements in business functions, change interventions, thrives and their improvements through their daily works and thus I made a decision to pursue the human resource development. I feel like taking some training and development in my career path though I am not sure of the source for the training. I enjoy doing charity work and thus am becoming a CNP. In this case, I enjoy my work daily because it is helpful to some people and through it I tend to change ones life for the better. In addition, my work seems to help peoples journey. Due to my interests in that, I plan to continue to volunteer in nonprofits though I am not sure of pursuing a career in such organization after my graduation (Rothwell, Wang, & Payne, 2005). In my career development, I have been attending some HR internship. I have attended the ISU career centre. The human resource development at this ISU career centre requires me to complete the internship before my graduation. In that career centre I met many wonderfully staffed career counsellors who provided me with the help that will make me attain their ability. One of my counsellors in this department was mike Williamson. Through my counsellor and mentor, mike William; I have achieved some skills on how to work hard to completing a well developed resume. He has also helped me set up some practice interviews that aim at gaining better communication skills and have many ways of answering possible interview questions

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ford Motors Business Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ford Motors Business Model - Essay Example The source of the revenues is realized from the operating expenses, selling of the general administrative zones and from the non-recurring costs. The fixed and variable costs for the company include the costs made from the goods for the company which entails an amount of $125,369 last year. Other fixed costs include the income tax expenses for the country that takes over $7200 a year. There are other extra expenses and items that also cost around $7155 year. All these costs are financed from the total revenues earned by the company. It also entails all the benefits the company gets from customers as bonuses. It is to the advantage of the company that the company is able to sell quite a good number of new brands. Other premium customers are also able to award the company for the good work done. In order to have success and progress for the company, there is a calculation of the total sales realized from the brand cars. The company is able to sell over 500 brands of Ford motors within a day. The company is also able to sell motor parts including the gas engines and motor craft. It is also interesting that the company has made a good progress in the selling of the brands since it is able to advertise the goods all over the world. This has made the net income for the company to increase $7155 the last year. The company is an industrial since it is able to meet its targets in the world of revolution. For the last two years, there is an improvement of the sales that have made the company to be under top five in the whole world.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lao-Tzu or Kafka Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lao-Tzu or Kafka - Essay Example After understanding self, it is important for the individual to understand other humans and live with them in harmony. But the ultimate understanding comes when the individual understands the universe and nature and learns to live according to the universal rules of nature. He has connected unrelated things like nature and warfare with complete success. â€Å"Therefore a wise prince, marching the whole day, does not go far from his baggage wagons. Although he may have brilliant prospects to look at, he quietly remains in his proper place, indifferent to them. How should the lord of innumerable chariots carry himself lightly before the kingdom? If he do act lightly, he has lost his root; if he proceed to active movement, he will lose his throne†. The life and work of Lao were very closely connected to the above Biblical proverb as he was a man of wisdom and he stressed the importance of wisdom and understanding all his life. His work Tao Te Ching, which meant ‘The Law of virtue and its way’, is a testament of wisdom and understanding. Lines like the following are the embodiment of wisdom and understanding of all the elements. Lao commended the sage who has all the understanding and wisdom; but never makes an exhibition of it. He can command people and make things happen without using any speech and this is done on the strength of his wisdom and understanding of human nature. His following words show perhaps the most understanding sentence of life: â€Å"  Heaven and earth do not act from any wish to be benevolent; they deal with all things as the dogs of the grass are dealt with. The sages do not act from any wish to be benevolent; they deal with the people as the dogs of the grass are dealt with.† He argued that from wisdom comes humility devoid of all self importance. With the understanding of human nature and the nature around us, we attain humble command

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mass programming Essay Example for Free

Mass programming Essay PLDs are standard ICs, available in standard configurations. They are sold in high volume to many different customers. PLDs may be configured or programmed to create a part customized to a specific application. They have a single large block of programmable interconnect and consist of a matrix of logic macrocells that usually consists of programmable array logic followed by a flip-flop or latch. Types of PLDs are PROM, EPROM, PAL and PLA. PROM uses metal fuse that can be blown permanently. EPROM uses programmable MOS transistors whose characteristics are altering by applying a high voltage. PAL or Programmable Array Logic consists of a programmable AND logic array or AND plane, and fixed OR plane. PLA or Programmable Logic Array has a programmable AND plane followed by programmable OR plane. Based on type of programming PLDs may be classified as Erasable PLD (EPLD) and Mask-programmed PLD. It is characterized by customized mask layer and logic cells (Smith, 1997: 14). (Smith, 1997) Advantages Fast design turnaround. Disadvantages Mass programming is not possible. It is more complex than PLDs. A field programmable gate array is a VLSI circuit that can be programmed in the user’s location. A typical FPGA consists of an array of hundreds or thousands of logic blocks surrounded by programmable input and output blocks and connected together via programmable interconnections. There is a wide variety of internal configuration within these devices. The performance of each device depends on the circuit contained in their logic blocks and their efficiency of their programmed inter connections. Here none of mask layers are customized. There exists a method for programming basic cells and the interconnect. The core of FPGA is a regular array of combinational and sequential programmable basic logic cells. It has a matrix of programmable interconnect that surrounds the basic cells and programmable I/O cells around the core. A typical FPGA block consists of look up tables, multiplexers, gates and flipflops. The look up table is a truth table stored in a SRAM and provides a combinational circuit functions for the logic blocks. These functions are realized from the truth table stored in the SRAM (Smith, 1997: 16). (Smith, 1997) Advantages Design turnaround is a few hours The truth table can be re-programmable. Easy to layout on PCBs. Disadvantages The memory is volatile and presents the need for the look up table content to be reloaded when power is disrupted. Routing is easily blocked. The design requires extensive CAD tools to facilitate the synthesis procedure. FPGAs may be broadly classified as homogenous and heterogeneous FPGAs. As the name implies homogenous consists of only one type of logic cell and heterogeneous contains different types of logic cells. They can also be classified as Island type, Hierarchical and Row based FPGAs. Island Type FPGA It is common to Xilinx and Altera. Here, the logic blocks are arranged in a matrix form. They are interconnected by horizontal and vertical routing wires. The routing wires are connected using programmable routing switches. (Sharma, 2005) Hierarchical FPGAs It comprises of a tree based interconnect structure. The leaves represent logic blocks. Two types of connecting boxes are present. The hexagon shaped boxes represent non compressing switches (no. of root going tracks = twice the no. of incoming tracks) and the diamond shaped boxes represent compressing switches (no. of root going tracks = no. of incoming tracks).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution Analysis

Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution Analysis Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution. By Richard Beeman (New York: Random House) 2009. xxviii + 514 pp. Hardcover, $30.00. ISBN 9781400065707. Richard Beemans book, Plain, Honest Men is a chronological narrative about the day-to-day interactions of the men who made up the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Beeman takes special care in developing the characteristics and personalities of the delegates and explores how their moods, their personal interests, and the hot weather helped to shape the lively debates over the creation of the Constitution. He explores the personal relationships, marriages, and the physical and intellectual idiosyncrasies of the Founding Fathers. Beeman depicts the Framers in a variety of ways. Some of the men were savvy, while others were inept. Some smart and others just mediocre. Some individuals were sophisticated while others were just plain vulgar. Many were quite generous, but others were intensely narcissistic. Beeman characterizes James Madison as being an indispensable but reticent thinker who was incapable of any great oratory or sustained relationships. The author focuses on the issues such as the presidency, slavery, and the necessary and proper clause. On the issue of slavery, Beeman states that for the delegates, it was not the central issue at stake in the making of the American Constitution.[1] The author depicts the angry arguments over representation and its connection to slavery, which Beeman refers to as Bernard DeVotos paradox at the nations core.[2] According to the author, many delegates expressed aversion to slavery, but it was beyond them to conclude a way to abolish slavery without catastrophic consequences to the delicate union. Beeman reconstructs the relationships between Washington and Madison and their intelligent and influential female friends such as Elizabeth Powell, who was the wife of Philadelphias mayor, and also had strong political opinions of her own. Beeman describes George Washington as towering above other men and being reserved in nature. Benjamin Franklin is characterized as being jovial and James Madison as being diminutive. The author portrays Madison as arriving from Virginia with a detailed plan of government that entailed completely scrapping the Articles of Confederation and starting from scratch. William Paterson of New Jersey was balding and of an angry disposition, and yet he spoke his way to distinction as the spokesman of the small states and was resolute to challenge his neighbors in the larger states like New York and Pennsylvania. Roger Sherman was a former shoemaker from Connecticut who overcame his bashful rural persona to become the voice of compromise which soon gained the respect of all convention attendees. Sherman was instrumental in creating the compromise that relinquished some states rights by apportioning the House of Representatives on the basis of population and allowing for equal representation among states in the Senate. Gouverneur Morris, formerly of New York but currently resided in Pennsylvania, had a peg leg and whose arrogance and often careless rhetoric often alienated the other delegates, was a hypnotic speaker. In creating these personalities, he is aware of the confines of his source material. The records of this period were kept by men who most assuredly had partisan agendas and male-controlled receptivity. The book begins with the final days of the Revolution. Congress is bankrupt, the army has turned mutinous because of lack of pay, and the thirteen states do not get along. Daniel Shays, a discontented former army captain, leads his own rebellion in western Massachusetts. Representatives from both the north and the south believe the Articles of Confederation are not working and need to undergo some revisions; therefore, they agree to meet in Philadelphia the summer of 1787. This book is written for general audiences as well as supplemental reading for classroom teachers. In an effort to ensure the reader does not fall into boredom while reading the narrative, Beeman has added peripheral information to keep the readers attention. For example, he adds such trivia as the fact that the State House yard privy had sixteen seats and was divided into four compartments[3], a Philadelphia prostitute charged two dollars[4], and the delegates had beer, bread, and butter for breakfast[5]. The author makes use of both primary and secondary sources. He uses Madisons notes and the papers kept by Hamilton, Madison, and George Washington. Beeman also includes information collected by the Independence National Historic Park to assemble an accurate and authoritative account of the participants of the Constitutional Convention. The books title comes from a remark made by delegate and financier Roger Morris, who viewed the results of the Constitutional Convention as the work of plain, honest men. His important message is that our Founding Fathers could be both realists and idealists. The debates over slavery were the results of the limitations of educated men, who possessed a vision of what effective governance might bear a resemblance to but could not imagine extending the same rights to slaves as citizens. In writing Plain, Honest Men, Beeman avoids controversial issues such as the economic motives of the Founding Fathers and provides readers with an understanding of the fra gility of the consensus emerging from Philadelphia. Richard Beeman is considered by scholars to be an authority on the United States Constitution. He played a leading role in the creation of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and has served as vice-chair of its Distinguished Scholars Panel. Beeman has a vast knowledge of the era and is a noted historian of the late 18th century. [1] Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the Constitution. By Richard Beeman, xii. [2] Ibid, xii. [3] Ibid, 63. [4] Ibid, 74. [5] Ibid, 78.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Benefits of Medicinal Marijuana Usage Essay -- Exploratory Essays

The Benefits of Medicinal Marijuana Usage All ears were listening intently at what the professor had to say on the subject. Many viewers were in shock and disbelief at what some of the potential medical uses of marijuana are. At the conclusion of the lecture, many whispers filled the courtroom and the judge entered from behind his desk and sat down. Richard Johnson sat in silence waiting in anticipation to hear what he had to say. Johnson and his wife Ellen, were arrested August 24 and charged with numerous drug-related offenses. Authorities seized approximately 1,030 live and dead marijuana plants, worth between $300,000 and $900,000, at their house. The judge positioned his glasses on the tip of his nose and stated, " The Johnsons have pleaded guilty to one charge of cultivating marijuana for the use of terminal cancer patients in conjunction with their chemotherapy treatment. At this time you may be dismissed and this case will resume next week." Richard and Ellen were handcuffed and taken back to their jail cells where they had plenty of time to think about their mishaps. Outside the courtroom, Johnson's attorney, Roger Simms, said he hoped Harvard psychiatry professor's testimony Monday would educate people on various medical benefits of marijuana. Simms stated that there are many books on the subject containing the history of medical use dating back 3,000 years in China. The Chinese emperor, Shen Neng, introduced many pharmaceutical drugs including marijuana. Emperor Shen Neng prescribed marijuana tea for malaria, beriberi, rheumatism, and curiously, poor memory (Earleywine, M. 2002). Marijuana eventually spread from China to India. The sacred Indian text, Atharvaveda, listed marijuana as a holy pl... ...ana. New York: Oxford University Eustice, Carol. (2004). Medicinal Marijuana: A Continuing Controversy. Retrieved March 11, 2004, from marijuanadebate.htm Medicinal marijuana: the struggle for legalization.(1997). Retrieved March 11, 2004, from Medicinal Marijuana.(2000, August - September). Retrieved March 11, 2004, from http://www.hc-/ Medicinal Marijuana. (2002). Retrieved March 11, 2004, from http://www.cannabis-/ Roffman, R. (1982). Marijuana as Medicine. Washington: Madrona Pubishers Savage, David G. & Bailey, Eric. (2003, October). Medical Marijuana Cause Boosted. Retrieved March 30, 2004 from 17573.shtml

Friday, October 11, 2019

Change Model Essay

Imagine that you are an executive for XYZ, Inc., a high-end retail chain that sells luxury watches, jewelry, and hand bags. You’ve just been put in charge of the company’s first international expansion, opening a store in Shanghai, China. This will be a short-term, small-scale change for the organization. After one year, you will be expected to begin opening additional stores in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (also known as the B.R.I.C. countries). This will be a long-term, large-scale change. In five pages, explain which change model you would follow for the short-term change and which you would follow for the long-term change. Provide rationale for your decision and discuss the effects that these changes would have on the employees, managers, and executives within the organization. Include at least three references and follow standard APA formatting for your paper. Summary Implementing planned organizational change is partly a science, partly an art. It has also become part of a desired skill set—and mindset—needed by most companies, regardless of industry, size, and geographic location. While experience is important in this endeavor, knowing and using classic and contemporary wisdom from models, roadmaps, and frameworks is necessary. CEOs and practicing managers hire coaches and consultants who specialize in change management to help diagnose, plan, and implement individual, group, and organizational changes in their organizations. This chapter introduces the art and knowledge of implementing change. Building on the first two chapters, we go inside a big-picture change roadmap to show how three CEOs (Mulally at Ford, Bossidy at AlliedSignal/Honeywell, and Andrea Jung at Avon) used coaches, theory, expertise, knowledge, and courage to successfully plan, execute, and transform companies that were in trouble financially, operationally, and strategically in their marketplaces. We show how change champions can use these same skills and capacities such as visioning, developing a mission and new values, motivating change, developing political support, mapping and managing stakeholders, and leading the actual transition. To effectively lead and manage the implementation process, it is also important to (1) keep the big picture in mind; (2) choose the right interventions; (3) use a sound change model to plan and manage the change process; (4) keep people engaged and make the incentive for change greater than the incentive to stay the same; and (5) identify and manage resistance to change. This involves understanding how to align an organization’s new vision, mission, and values to fit its strategy, culture and people, structure, and operating systems—as exemplified in the stories of the three CEOs Mulally, Bossidy, and Jung. They also had to change their own mindsets—become the change they expected of those whom they led. The chapter also shows what is involved in structuring and assigning individuals and teams to help drive the change. This involves selecting a sponsor from the organization who can be trusted and who is able to oversee the entire change process. Then an Executive team that works with Leadership and Consulting Project teams must be recruited to educate, communicate, motivate, and manage detail activities to make the new vision an organizational reality. Finally, we discuss how to effectively lead and manage internal and external stakeholders during the implementation process. This requires recognizing and dealing with politics, power, and conflict to ensure ethical and collaborative cultures and practices in all change efforts. View as multi-pages

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Disorder Analysis

â€Å"Me Myself and Irene† is a movie about a Rhode Island State Police trooper named Charlie Baileygates who has a mental disorder. The disorder that can be evidently seen in the movie almost creates the whole essence of the story. Charley Baileygates' (Jim Carrey) is found to have a Dissociative Identity Disorder or more commonly known as multiple personality. In the movie, Jim Carrey's character changes from Charley to Hank, who is the other personality, that somehow is the complete opposite of Charlie.During the course of the movie, this Dissociative Identity Disorder of Charley terrorizes his condition and his interaction with other people, especially with Irene (Renà © Zellweger). As the movie assessed Charlie's condition, it showed that this disorder was caused by the anger that has been kept inside for years due to other people who took advantage of him. Raising three African-American kids that are sons of his wife and a black dwarf limo driver, who eventually stole h is bride, Charlie accepted it but has kept this unconscious anger deep inside him.This eventually led to Hank, who is the other personality inside his brain. Hank is the rude, violent and cocky persona that is completely the opposite of Charlie.DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDERAs defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), â€Å"Dissociative Identity Disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment.†(American Psychiatric Association, 2000).The requirements of the diagnosis suggests at least two personalities consequently gaining control with regards to a person's demeanor and actions. With regards to its possible causes, epidemiology, appearance across cultures, and existence, this disorder is controversial. Interaction of several factors are c auses that lead to Dissociative Identity Disorder. Possible symptoms that suggests a demonstration of Dissociative Identity Disorder ranges with wide variations during the course of time.Symptoms that can be included are distortion or loss of subjective time, depersonalization, depression, amnesia, headaches and other body pains. People with this condition may even suffer auditory hallucinations with regards to the two personalities' discussions and might even result to misdiagnoses that may falsely conclude a psychotic issue. People with DID often display an array of indications that can match those of other mental health disorders and many physical disorders as well. Chronic and potentially disabling or fatal, patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder are prone to harming themselves.There are various treatment methods to cure this disorder such as Psychotherapy, medications and behavioral treatments. A psychiatrist or psychologist may use specially designed interviews such as t he SCID-D and personality assessment methods to evaluate an individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Integrating the personalities into a single personality is the main goal of treatments. Drug therapy can alleviate some particular symptoms but does not heal the disorder itself. Psychotherapy on the other hand is emotionally painful and difficult.In general , two or more psychotherapy meetings a week for at least 3 to 6 years are essential. Helpful also may be Hypnosis.CONCLUSIONAs seen in the movie, this condition is not actually a psychotic disorder. But despite this, there is danger among people with this condition, as seen in Charlie and Frank's battles, if not properly treated. Integrating the personalities might be hard, but keeping them in tune and coexisting might help. Psychotherapy is the best option for treatment of DID.

Billy Elliot Family

Describe at least ONE idea that was worth learning about in the text(s). Explain why the idea was worth learning about in the text(s) as a whole, using examples of visual and/or oral language features to support your ideas. The film Billy Elliot directed by Stephen Daldry, is set in the miners town of Durham in the north east of Engand in the 1980’s. The film focuses on Billy Elliot, a 12 year old boy who is pressured and abused by his violent family as he tries to pursue his love of dancing in a predominantly miners town where ballet is for girls.An idea I felt was worth learning about tin the film was the idea of family relations. I believe this idea was worth learning about because it showed me why Jackie and Billy held such disdain for Billy’s ballet, Billy’s feelings as a result of his families pressure and that family bonds can overcome great adversity. Throughout the film, Daldry uses a range of film techniques to portray this idea of family relations. The first reason why the idea of family relations was worth learning about was because it showed me why Billy and Jackie held such disdain for Billy’s ballet.Throughout the film, Billy and Jackie represent the major obstacle Billy has to overcome to pursue his love of ballet. Following the recent death of Tony and Billy’ mother (Jackie’s wife) everyone in the family is wrought with grief. Adding to this is the intensity of the miner’s strike going on in the town which Jackie and Tony are involved in. In this tense home environment, the last thing they wanted was their son to be doing ballet, especially in the highly stereotypical society they lived in where ballet dancers are labeled as ‘poofs’. The main reason Tony and Jackie hated ballet so much, was because it reflects badly on the family.Tony and Jackie are great fans of boxing and push Billy towards it, even though he is blatantly useless at boxing. With the high pressure of the time they a re in, Billy’s doing ballet is the last straw and Jackie and tony are furious. An example from the film to show Jackie and Tony’s opposition to ballet is the dialogue when Jackie says to Billy: â€Å"Ballet is for girls Billy. Boys do things like boxing or wrestling, not friggin’ ballet! † The patronizing tone Jackie uses and the incredulousness in his voice shows his obvious disdain for Billy. Another example from the film to show Jackie’s hate of ballet is hen he sees Billy in the ballet class for the first time. The background sound of the piano playing cuts out, creating a suspenseful environment, and the close up shot of Jackie’s red, manic face shows his rage at Billy doing ballet. The curt dialogue, â€Å"You! Out! ,† seals the deal showing there is no hope in Jackie’s eyes for Billy to continue participating in ballet classes. The idea of family relations showed me that Jackie and Tony held such disdain for Billyâ€℠¢s ballet under the high pressure circumstances they were in, and they didn’t want their families reputation to be tarnished by having a ‘poof’ in the family.The second reason why the idea of family relations was worth learning about was because it showed me Billy’s feelings as a result of his family’s pressure. Ever since he first see’s Miss Wilkinson’s ballet class dancing in the boxing gym, he is hooked on ballet as it is a way for him to express his natural love of dancing. He secretly trains with the class by telling his family he is attending the boxing classes. However, when Jackie sees him, his ballet classes are in jeopardy as his family is strongly against him training.But Billy continues to train secretly with private lessons with Miss Wilkinson. The first feeling I was shown as a result of his families pressure Billy’s love of ballet and dancing. Billy’s perseverance under his family’s pressure to conti nue with ballet throughout the film showed me Billy loved ballet so much he was willing to stand up to his violent family. An example of Billy’s love of ballet is the close up shot of his face after he nails his first pirouette. His face shows a wide grinning smile, showing his happiness at succeeding at ballet.While scene is going on, there is a crosscut to a montage of Billy In his bathroom practicing pirouettes. This showed his commitment to ballet. Throughout the film, there are also many symbols to show Billy is ‘caged in’ by his family and he wants to break free from their traditions and do what he loves. An example of this is when Billy’s father first sees him doing ballet. Jackie is on the outside of the cage and Billy on the inside, symbolizing that Billy is trapped by his family’s traditions.Another example is that the scenes of the mining village were shot in a tight-knit claustrophobic way to show that Billy was again trapped by the trad itions of the town and was claustrophobic, when Billy is dancing however, the shot widens up to show that when Billy is dancing he is free from his families pressure and expectations. The idea of family relations showed me that through his family’s pressure and traditions, Billy’s love of dancing was very great by the way he continued on with it despite his violent family, and that he felt caged in and claustrophobic by the miners town.The final reason why the idea of family relations was worth learning about was that it showed me that family bonds can overcome great obstacles. Early on in the film, Jacke and Tony are strongly against Billy continuing with ballet. This is symbolized by dialogue such as: â€Å"Ballet is for girls Billy,† and close up shots are used showing Tony and Jackie’s faces showing anger and frustration when the conversation concerns ballet. This changes when Jackie sees Billy dance for the first time.He is moved by Billy’s pa ssion and talent for dancing. In this scene, defiant music is played while Billy dances for Jackie showing he is finally standing up to Jackie. From here on in the film, Jackie starts to support Billy in his dancing by attempting to go back to the mines and selling his wife’s jewellery, which is very special to him. This change was very significant to me, as it showed that family bonds and the love in families could overcome obstacles, financial and social, as great ad the ones the Elliot family overcome.An example of the change in the Elliot family is that at the beginning of the film, Tony and Jackie are often portrayed by low angle shots when their behavior is threatening to Billy showing they are dominant, but towards the end of the film they are portrayed in mid-shots when talking to Billy to show equality between the family members. An example of this is when Jackie is talking to Billy in the meadow. This idea of family relations showed me that family bonds could overco me great obstacles and that family love is unconditional, despite the harsh circumstances.In conclusion, the film Billy Elliot by Stephen Daldry focuses on Billy as he tries to pursue his love of ballet despite the pressure of his family and their traditions. The idea of family relations in the film helped me to understand why Billys family was so against ballet, what Billy’s feelings were throughout the film and how family bonds can overcome great obstacles. Throughout the film, Daldry uses a range of film techniques to portray Tony and Jackie’s obvious disdain for ballet, Billy’s love of ballet and the tumultuous time the Elliot family is going throughout following the death of Jackie’s wife and the miners strikes.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Contemporary issues in marketing-Apple Inc Essay

Contemporary issues in marketing-Apple Inc - Essay Example The intention of this study is Apple Inc, previously known as Apple Computer, Inc., as a multinational corporation based in United States of America. It designs, manufactures as well as markets wide range of electronics and computer products or hardware as well as various computer software. It was established in 1976 in Cupertino, California, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, although Wayne got dissociated from the company the next year itself. The first product they sold was Apple I personal computer kit, which was actually a motherboard of a computer, and included a CPU, RAM and some video related chips. It was hand-built by Steve Wozniak, and included only the basic components of the today’s computer. After functioning for 30 years as Apple Computer, Inc. it became Apple Inc in 2007, as the company focused on the consumer electronics sectors like Cellphones, in addition to its traditional area of computers. As mentioned above, Apple Inc. started off with compu ters particularly its Macintosh line of computers. From that start, Apple Inc. is now offering wide range of products and that includes Computers, the iPod (both audio and video features), the iPhone and iPad. Other than these hardware products, Apple Inc. also offers software applications like Mac OS X, an operating system for its line of computers, iOS, a operating system for the mobiles, iTunes online store as well as media browser; the iLife a multimedia tool, wide range of apps or applications for iPhones and iPads. Market segmentation The market segments of Apple Inc. does get restricted to particular territories, it sells its products through the world, thus catering to various geographical market categories. However, with the prices of its products mainly in the upper ranges, it does not sell its products maximally in low-cost markets. Although, it sells its products in low Cost markets like least developed and developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America, it does not cover all markets, and sells only minimally. When one views market demographically, as mentioned above, people from different age-groups, different sex, etc. buy its products. The customers of Apple Inc. include people from various sections of the population or various market segments, who want to buy electronics hardware as well as software for their day-to day living, entertainment and also for their professional work as well. As Apple Inc. offers range of day-to-day used products, particularly mobile phones, it is being used by customers of all ages, who want a Smart phone to fulfill their professional commitments as well as entertainment quotient. On the same lines, iPad is being bought by customers who want portable computing for the above mentioned purposes. iPod on the other hand are bought by the customers, particularly in the age segment of 15-35, mainly for entertainment. Along with these, Apple’s other products and softwares are also used by â€Å"professional content creators like authors, musicians, artists, filmmakers who want tools that free them to focus on their art, not the technology† (Chazin 2007). As Apple Inc. offers products constituting different product market categories, its competitors include various companies and products. When one focuses worldwide, the competitors of Apple Inc. in the Personal computer segment are Dell, HP, etc, in Operating systems, it is Microsoft Windows, in mobile phones, it

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Personal professional development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal professional development - Case Study Example nts in the gathering are some of those experiences which enable the leaner to explore those things and topics and issues which have not been read and understood previously. Many sources enable students to learn new and important things. For example, journal articles, books, website information and tutorial videos on YouTube are the most important sources for self-managed learning strategies. Self-reliance would be a key advantage. In the traditional learning style, a learner is required to rely on the support and attention of a tutor. And for this purpose, the learner is required to receive time, energy and attention from the tutor whereas the learner does not face such issues but more reliance is put on one’s own learning abilities in the self-managed learning approaches. Self-confidence is also improved. It has been observed that when a learner receives knowledge from a tutor; he is not only relying but also obtaining support for developing confidence on the learned things. On the other hand, the learner relies on the self-learning and self-managed strategies in which self-confidence is also increased naturally. The above mentioned self-managed learning approaches are only useful when the application of SWOT analysis is carried out. The SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well.1 These four strategic words enable a learner to pinpoint and understand his/her own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well. For example, if the learner is confident about some key words which are mainly used for understanding a topic, he can use and avail the source of the Internet for quickly learning new knowledge and improve self-confidence and experience a reduced reliance on the support of the tutors. It is not possible to use all constituent parts of the SWOT simultaneously. The SWOT approach has four parts and each one is totally and markedly different from the other. Under this situation, it would be very difficult to fully

Monday, October 7, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Risk Management - Essay Example The conclusion part considers some individual views regarding risk management. Easy Jet is one of the leading budget airlines in Europe. Its operation is spread around 30 countries and serves its customers in more than 100 countries. Various business and popular vacation spots are included among these destination hubs. The organisation is mostly operated in the different destination hubs of Europe. Apart from this the organisation also has its operations in the North America and Middle East regions. Easy Jet offers almost all its tickets through the online booking facilities. No complimentary meal is offered on board. This has helped the organisation to make their costs as low as possible. Easy Jet has a dynamic fleet of 175 Boeing Jets and Airbuses (Hoovers, 2010). Starting in the 1995, the organisation has been able to mark its presence in the aviation industry. Risks are inherent to a business activity. However, the organisation needs to take steps to mitigate the risks. There can be various kinds of risks including strategic, operational, financial and hazard risks. Apart from these there can be certain other classifications of the inherent risks to a business, however those can broadly classified into the previously mentioned four categories. The risks, which the organisation is exposed to, can emerge from a number of factors which can either be external or internal to the organisation. The figure overleaf illustrates the key risks, influenced by the external and internal factors. Almost all of the financial risks including interest risks, foreign exchange and credit risks are externally market driven. However financial risk like liquidity and cash flow risk is both driven by external and internal factors. Strategic risks as changes in intensity of the competition, customer base and external industry environment are externally driven. Risks arising out of the mergers and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Transformational Leadership in Organizations Essay

Transformational Leadership in Organizations - Essay Example The term ‘leadership’ can be defined in various ways it can be stated as a mechanism through which all the team members are guided to achieve a common goal or a tool that enables all the members of an organization to work together and is supported by the leader as and when required. There are various forms of leadership and the appropriate leadership style that is adopted by an organization depends on a particular situation and nature of the team members. Transformational leadership is a form of leadership that facilitates job performance, morale and motivation of all the team members. This form of leadership enhances the followers to include their identity to the project and inspires more of collectivism in the organization so that every member feels being valued for their contribution towards the organization. Transformational leader becomes a role model for all the followers that makes them interested and also inspires them to work towards the common objectives of the organization. The leader adopting this kind of leadership style imposes challenges on the followers so that they can take more of ownership towards the job they perform, analyzes well the weaknesses and strengths of the team members and aligns the tasks to be executed by the followers in such a way that it enhances the overall work performance of the team members. Organizational leaders are the ones that shape and define work and contribute towards innovative practices in the organization. Individual leadership is one of the most important determinants of organizational innovation.

Friday, October 4, 2019

What are the main differences between contract and tort Essay

What are the main differences between contract and tort - Essay Example A contract can be in verbal or written form but the most important thing is that there would be an agreement especially between two parties. On the other hand, a tort law can be described as a civil wrong not arising from a contract and in the case of negligence, one should owe due consideration to one’s neighbour (Capiro Industries vs. Dickman 1990). According to the European labour laws, both the worker and the employee are bound by certain statutory regulations that would ensure that no party will breach the agreed contract. With regards to employment contracts, there ought to be written agreement which binds the two parties to honour their contractual obligations which can be enforceable in the court of law should one party defaults. Thus, as noted, a contract can be loosely defined as an agreement between two parties and these can be individuals or even organisations. One peculiar aspect of a contract is that one party offers to do In a contract, there is an agreement of offer and acceptance between two parties concerned and should any party defaults, then it is called breach of contract. It is against this background that the court of law intervenes to ensure that justice prevails so as to avoid unfavorable gain by another party on behalf of the other. Basically, the court would come in so as to protect the interests of the consumer or the second party especially in the case where there is bargaining of powers. Consumers in most cases are not choosers of the terms by which they would be bound in a contract hence the intervention of the courts. Thus, it can be noted that contracts are especially concerned with the enforcement of bargains. This is aptly shown in the case of Williams v Roffey Bros & Nicholls Contractors Ltd [1990] 1 All ER 512. Whilst Williams has been subcontracted and a payment of 20 000 pounds promised to be paid in installments, the contract was however silent on the period and